MDX and Next.js: A Powerful Combination

Unleash the power of MDX and Next.js to create interactive web content. This article explores their basics and how they work together.

April 5, 2024 (1mo ago) | πŸ“– 4 min read



Want to build websites that are both informative and interactive?

Discover the power of MDX and Next.js.

What is MDX?

MDX is a file format that lets you write JSX in your Markdown files. This allows you to embed React components in your Markdown content, making it easy to create interactive and dynamic documentation.

Why Use MDX?

  • Simplicity: MDX is based on Markdown, which is a simple and easy-to-learn markup language. This makes it easy to get started with MDX, even if you're not a developer.
  • Power: MDX extends Markdown with the power of React, which allows you to create dynamic and interactive content. This makes it possible to create content that can respond to user input, change over time, and even be used to build web applications.
  • Flexibility: MDX can be used in a variety of applications, including blogs, websites, and documentation. It can also be used to create interactive presentations, tutorials, and even games.
  • Community: MDX has a large and active community of developers and users. This means that there is a wealth of resources available to help you learn and use MDX.

Learn more about MDX

What is Next.js?

Next.js, a React framework, has gained immense popularity for its ability to build server-side rendered React applications effortlessly. With its intuitive API and robust features, Next.js simplifies the process of creating lightning-fast, SEO-friendly web applications, making it an ideal choice for static sites, blogs, and dynamic web apps alike.

Learn more about Next.js

How to use MDX with Next.js

To leverage the full potential of MDX within your Next.js projects, you'll need to integrate the next-mdx-remote package.

Installing this package enables seamless rendering of MDX content within your Next.js applications, opening up a world of possibilities for creating dynamic and engaging web experiences.

# using npm npm i next-mdx-remote # using yarn yarn add next-mdx-remote

Alternatively, you can explore the mdx-bundler for bundling MDX content efficiently..


MDX and Next.js work together like a dream, making your web projects more versatile and efficient. Whether it's a blog, documentation site, or a complex web app, this combination brings flexibility and speed.

Keep an eye out for more tips on using MDX and Next.js in real projects.

Thank you for exploring MDX and Next.js with me!